Become a Climate Change Ambassador
And fulfill all your AIA, LEED and WELL CE requirements

Fulfill all your AIA, LEED and WELL CE requirements and earn a Climate Change advanced certificate at the same time. Take guess work out of the equation and sign-up for our Climate Change Curated CE Bundle for LEED Green Associates, LEED APs with Specialty, AIA and WELL APs.
Whether you are just getting started in learning more about Climate Change or a champion who believes in it and wants to make a difference, GBRI’s Climate Change Ambassador Program is a collection of courses, articles, and meaningful exercises that enable you to learn more about climate change, progress steadily and become an Ambassador for our planet.
The self-paced program includes 3 levels. Each level is a collection of climate change courses, articles, and meaningful exercises. Participants will earn points and a certificate of completion for each individual action such as completion of a course, taking the quiz, and completing an exercise. Upon completion of all required steps under a level, participants will earn a climate change badge (Warrior, Champion, or Ambassador).
Level 1 - Climate Change Warrior
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Level 2 - Climate Change Champion
[gamipress_achievement id=”129831″ title=”yes” link=”yes” thumbnail=”yes” excerpt=”yes” times_earned=”yes” steps=”yes” toggle=”no” earners=”no” layout=”left” align=”none”]
Level 3 - Climate Change Ambassador
[gamipress_achievement id=”131092″ title=”yes” link=”yes” thumbnail=”yes” excerpt=”yes” times_earned=”yes” steps=”yes” toggle=”no” earners=”no” layout=”left” align=”none”]
Climate Change Certificate Program
Climate Change Champion For LEED Green Associates
Access to Climate Change Level 1 & Level 2 badge courses plus 3 LEED specific hours.
Climate Change Ambassador For LEED APs With Specialty
Access to Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 badge courses plus 6 LEED specific hours.
Climate Change Ambassador For WELL APs
Access to Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 badge courses plus 6 WELL specific hours.
Ideal for life-time learners with access to all our courses-
Access to 250+ courses, all certification programs, badges and LEED specific hours.
Interested in partnering with GBRI? We have sponsorship opportunities available for webinars and badges!
Why Enroll in a Climate Change Certificate Program?
- Fulfill all your AIA, LEED and WELL CE requirements all while earning a Climate Change advanced certificate
- Take guess work out of the equation with our Climate Change Curated CE Bundle
- Access to LEED specific hours, WELL specific hours, & AIA HSW LUs!
- 100% money back guarantee on our CE and exam prep packages
- Instant access to your courses on all platforms and devices
- Grow beyond your credentials with badges and advanced certificates
- Stand out by showcasing your earned badges on social media
What our users are saying !!
How will this work?
Questions And Answers
All courses under this program are eligible for continuing education (CE) credits. However please check the requirements of your board/credential before purchasing. Audio-Visual Courses will be automatically reported by GBRI, articles will need to be self-reported.
Audio-Visual Courses will be reported to GBCI & AIA on your behalf. Articles will need to be self-reported. You will be provided with the information needed to self-report upon successful completion of the respective quiz.
GBRI works with small, medium and large office groups. Please call us at 210-858-7783 or email [email protected] for a group rate.
GBRI is in the process of creating multiple certification programs in 2022. Please check here for updates.
Yes! Our Climate Change Curated CE Bundle will provide you with the general and LEED or WELL specific hours needed to maintain your credential. When signing up please make sure and select the bundle which is needed for your specialty.
If you are using the course for CE credit we are happy to provide a replacement! We are also happy to update your account to reflect your completion of that course.
GBRI will be offering 2 instructor programs. Please check here for more information.
Yes, you can share all your badges on social media. Upon completion of each level, you will earn the Warrior badge for level 1, Champion Badge for Level 2, and Ambassador Badge for Level 3.
Yes, in order to become an Ambassador, you will have to complete Level 1 (Warrior) and Level 2 (Champion).
Yes. A link to your badge can be shared with anyone on social media or by email.
The amount of time it will take to complete each badge will vary. You should dedicate at least 7 hours for a Climate Change Warrior badge, 9 hours for a Climate Change Champion badge (in addition to the time it takes to earn a Warrior badge), and 10.5 hours for a Climate Change Ambassador badge (in addition to the time it takes to earn a Warrior & Champion badge).
Climate change courses Included in Bundle
Architecture and Carbon: The Odd Couple Destined for Partnership
Ever wonder about the odd couple, Architecture and Carbon, and how they interact with each other online and offline? Are they compatible with each other? Will the current carbon emissions trend overhaul their relationship and is their relationship sustainable? Find these answers and more in this in-depth article.
How The Government Is Revitalizing Energy Communities And Tackling The Climate Crisis
With over $37 billion in immediately available funding, the Working Group has a chance to make a huge impact on the lives of people in priority communities as well as our environment. One question remains – are we doing enough to fight climate change?
Climate Justice – A Multigenerational Global Civil Rights Issue
In this article, we dig deep into the climate justice movement, uncovering the priorities it aims to assert, as well as examples of climate injustice and the activists who are fighting to stop them.
Oceans In Crisis: The Blame Game
In light of the recently released Netflix documentary, SeaSpiracy, we have taken a deep dive into understanding the status of our oceans. Learn more about the controversy behind oceanic preservation and the blame game it has created under part 2 of this series.
Revolutionary Outcomes Of Cop26 What The Annual Meeting Means For Our Future
In this article, we review what was discussed, the outcomes of these negotiations, and where we can expect to go from here.
Minimalism — What is it and is it for you?
In this article, you’ll learn about the benefits of minimalism and who can gain the most from it.
Everything You Need to Know About Socially Responsible Investments
This article will explore each facet of SRI in order to inform anyone reading what SRI is and how it came around, what companies have SRI policies and why they’ve chosen to do so, what the future of SRI looks like, and several other aspects.
Impact Investing – What You Need to Know
This article will explore the phenomenon of impact investing and all its facets from the basic definition all the way to potential future of an impact investing network.
Caffeine: How Your Morning Coffee And Tea May Be Lacking Sustainability
This article isn’t to scare you off from your cup of joe, but to instead educate you that your caffeine intake may be hurting others and the environment just as much as it’s keeping you addicted.
Climate Change And Health: A Lunchtime Chat With Dr. Joan Schiller
Dr. Joan Schiller is a medical oncologist and adjunct professor at University of Virginia. She is passionate about the impact of climate change on health. She recently published two articles on the subject in The Journal of Clinical Oncology – Oncology Practice and Lung Cancer News, a publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.
Join us as Dr. Schiller explores the topic and shares her wisdom.
The following sections provide a brief review of the coal industry in the U.S., offer an overview of the global coal industry, and present the arguments for and against maintaining or expanding the current levels of coal-fired energy. The United States is used as the discussion country for purposes of argument.